I. principle and structure of air source heat pump unit
The air source heat pump system is an overview of the air source heat pump. Besides the function of making the heating and heating water, the air source heat pump unit can also switch to the refrigeration condition to make the frozen water. Air source heat pump is based on the basic principle of compression refrigeration circulation, cold media as a carrier, through the fan of forced heat transfer, emissions from the atmosphere absorb heat or heat, to achieve cooling or heating requirements.
According to the inverse carnot cycle principle, the main air source heat pump host and the terminal two main components. The air source heat pump unit is used in joint use with the end. The former provides cold water or hot water, the latter provides cold water or hot water, and provides cold air or heating through heat exchange. The air source heat pump unit is the host in the heating system, because the air source condenser does not need the cooling tower; And evaporator is water-cooled, provide cold water when refrigeration in summer, winter heating with hot water, fan coil air conditioning system is at the end of the device, installed indoors as from lower to higher ground and use the water pump, the heat pump can take heat from low temperature pump to high temperatures. So the heat pump is essentially a heat lifting device that pumps heat from the surrounding environment and passes it to the heated object (the higher temperature object).
Ii. Product structure:
The air source heat pump has a wind and lateral wind structure
Air conditioning load calculation
1. Composition of air-conditioning load calculation (QL)
(1) due to the temperature difference and solar radiation effect of the indoor and outdoor temperature, the cooling load of heat formed in the indoor heat is introduced through the building envelope.
(2) cold load of heat dissipation and moisture formation of human body;
(3) the cooling load formed by the heat dissipation of the lamplight;
(4) cooling load of other equipment cooling;
(5) the cooling load formed by penetrating air
(6) new air volume load
2. Simple introduction of air conditioning load calculation method
The calculation of dynamic load of air conditioning is cumbersome, even with some simplifying means, the calculation workload is relatively large. The easiest way to estimate, the shortcut, the human connectedness, slowly replaced by it.
But it is understandable that the estimates are based on infirmness, which is inevitable, and always scruple to be calculated. The estimation method should also be paid attention to the actual situation, according to the actual experience and the different conditions of different buildings. The current calculation of air conditioning load is based on estimation.
3. Cold load (qL) for residential air conditioning unit area
4. Load calculation -- unit area cooling load method
QL = QL * S
式中:QL——建筑物空调房间总冷负荷 (W)
In the formula: QL -- total cold load (W) of air conditioning room of buildings
QL—— 冷负荷 (W/m2 )
QL - cold load (W/m2)
S—— 空调房间面积 (m2)
S -- air conditioning room area (m2)
End (winddisk) calculation selection
(1) according to the air volume:
The product of room area, layer height (after ceiling) and room gas cycle is the circulation air volume of the room. Its corresponding fan coil high-speed air volume can determine the fan coil model.
(2) according to the cold load:
根据单位面积负荷和房间面积,可得到房间所需的冷负荷值。利用房间冷负荷对应风机盘管的中速风量时的制冷量即可确定风机盘管型号一般采用第二种方法——根据冷负荷选择风机盘管,在特殊场合如对噪音要求较高的场所,可用(暖通风向标 ID:hebnt2015)第一种方法进行校核。
According to the unit area load and the room area, can get the cold load value of the room. Using the corresponding fan coil cooling load of the refrigerating capacity of the medium speed airflow when determined fan coil models generally adopt the second method, according to choose fan coil cooling load, higher requirements on special occasions such as the noise of the place, available (hvac vane ID: hebnt2015) the first method for checking.
Determine model, still need to determine the installation way of fan coil units (surface mounted or installation), back to the way of the wind (bottom to send back, side to send the bottom back, etc.) and the pipe connection position (left or right), and other conditions.
When the room area is larger, should consider the use of more than one fan coil, the room unit area load is bigger, can consider to use the air quantity and the fan coil that makes a large amount of refrigerant when the noise requirement is not high. Note: for wind disks that have more than a certain length of air pipe, the wind disk should be used in the middle and high static pressure, and there should be no more than two air outlets on the air duct.
Calculation of heating load
1. Composition of heating load calculation (Qn)
The heat load of the winter heating and ventilation system shall be determined according to the following loss and heat loss of the building:
1) the heat consumption of the containment structure, including the basic consumption of heat and added heat,
2) heating of cold air from doors and Windows into the indoor air
3) heat consumption of cold air which is immersed by doors, holes and adjacent rooms;
4) heating of internal equipment;
5) loss or gain of heat through other means.
对于一般民用住宅层高在3m 以下工程上可采用面积热负荷法进行概算。
The thermal load method can be applied to the general residential building in the following works.
Unit area heat load method: Qn = K * Qn * S
式中:Qn—— 建筑物的采暖设计热负荷,W
In the formula: Qn -- the heating load of the building's heating design, W
S —— 建筑物的建筑面积,m2;
S -- the building area of the building, m2;
qn —— 建筑物的采暖单位面积热负荷,W/m2,
Qn -- heat load of heating unit area of buildings, W/m2,
K —— 附加系数
K -- additional coefficients
In different regions in building palisade structure also have difference, cold air infiltration rate, if you need to calculate more accurate, should according to each area on top of the building (such as: whether the exterior walls, doors and Windows on the wall) and door window (if there is a cold air permeability) were calculated.
2. 室内采暖单位面积热负荷计算(qn)
2. Calculation of thermal load of indoor heating unit area (qn)
1) general principles
The load of the villa is generally bigger than the house.
The top level of the villa is greater than the middle or bottom.
The average toilet can be calculated according to the area of 500 ~ 1000W.
The villa basement doesn't fit.
The guest bedroom general load is relatively large.
For larger walls or larger glass area, it is recommended to do load calculation
2) thermal load estimation table of indoor heating unit area (qn)
3. 附加系数
3. Additional coefficients
The additional coefficient is the ratio between the area of the heating area and the total room area, according to the following table:
The additional coefficient of the above table is the standard recommended value, which should be adjusted according to the actual situation.
房间进深大于6 米时,以距外墙6 米为界分区当作不同的单独房间,分别计算供暖热负荷。
When the room is more than 6 meters deep, it is used as a separate room of 6 meters from the outer wall to calculate heating load respectively.
4. Another estimation method for heating load
Qn = a * V * Rn (tn - tw)
Qn —— 采暖热负荷 W
Qn -- heating load W
tn —— 室内空气温度 ℃
Tn - ℃ of indoor air temperature
tw —— 室外供暖计算温度 ℃
Tw - outdoor heating calculation ℃ temperature
V —— 建筑的体积 m3
V -- the volume of the building m3
Rn —— 体积热指标 根据建筑的保温情况宜取0.4-0.7
Rn -- the thermal index of volume is 0.4 to 0.7 according to the insulation of the building
a —— 修正系数。
A -- the coefficient of correction.