Air energy (source) heat pump central air conditioning
盖土网 防寒布 麻绳 油麻绳 麻刀 沥青麻绳 静压造型线 自动浇注机 铸铁拍门 钢制拍门 玻璃钢拍门率高,没有任何污染物排放,不会影响大气环境,为业主和开发商选择方便、节能、高效的中央空调提供了良好的选择。
Air energy (source) heat pump central air conditioning obtains a large
amount of heat in the air free of charge from the outdoor, and then
transfers the heat to the indoor through the electric energy, so as to
realize the energy-saving effect of more than three heat generated by
one electric power, with high efficiency, no emission of any pollutants,
and no impact on the atmospheric environment, which provides a good
choice for the owners and developers to choose a convenient,
energy-saving and efficient central air conditioning