燃气壁挂炉安全保护措施 |
添加时间:2019/10/10 13:47:36 浏览次数: |
燃气壁挂炉具有防冻保护、防干烧保护、意外熄火保护、温度过高保护、水泵防抱死保护等多种安全保护措施。可以外接室内温度控制器,以实现个性化温度调节和达到节能的目的。据统计,使用室内温度控制器可以节省20~28%的燃气费用。 Gas wall-mounted furnace has many safety protection measures, such as anti-freezing protection, anti-dry burning protection, accidental extinguishing protection, over-temperature protection, anti-lock protection of pumps and so on. External indoor temperature controller can be used to realize personalized temperature regulation and energy saving. According to statistics, the use of indoor temperature controller can save 20-28% of the gas cost. |
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